Unlocking Security:
In my talk, I’ll take the audience on a journey through my exploration of lockpicking as a starting point into the vast landscape of cybersecurity. I initially sought to develop new skills and gain a deeper understanding of security through hands on experience. This led me to realise how essential it is to continuously learn and explore various aspects of cybersecurity. I’ll share the challenges and insights I gained from transitioning between different security disciplines, showing how each new skill enriched my understanding of the field as a whole. I believe that cybersecurity is for anyone, regardless of age, background, or experience level. In the grand scheme of securing our digital world, every unique perspective brings value. By sharing examples from my own life, I aim to offer a fresh perspective on cybersecurity and inspire the audience to embrace the mindset of constant learning and open mindedness. Although I myself haven’t fully immersed myself into the cyber world, I have been through many insights through my father. And now that I have been told a plethora of such perspectives, I have begun my journey into the world of cyber security. My aim for this talk is that attendees will leave with a broadened view of what it means to be part of the cyber community, and feel encouraged to find their own place within it. Speaker Bio: I'm a high school student currently in grade 8, I enjoy studying in STEM. I am a lockpicking enthusiast and I have won 1st place in the 2023 BSides Melbourne lockpicking competition and got 2nd place in the 2023 AISA Cyber-Con lockpicking competition. At BSides Adelaide I got third in Lockpicking and participated in the Black bag CTF. I aspire to further explore the fields of cyber security and astrophysics. I wish to be an inspiring ambassador that will inspire the younger generation to be more cyber-aware in their day to day lives. |