Join the DFIR CyberChef Cult |
Most cults have negative connotations. They take your time, soul and money. Not so with cult of CyberChef. Joining this creed will equip you with skills you can use (and abuse) in you day-to-day DFIR work. Whether it be incident response, malware analysis, digital forensics or open source intelligence, there is a place for CyberChef. This talk will cover these topics and show how you can easily include CyberChef into your everyday toolkit. The only side affect is you'll probably find yourself recruiting others along the way. Speaker Bio: Matt works as an incident responder for an Australian telco. Prior to this, he was 13 years at the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in roles including criminal intelligence and digital forensics. His spare time is spent with his family and hunting for the best coffee in Melbourne. |